Alternative Cleansing Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

What Our Clients Say About Alternative Cleansing:


Mrs Adams - Lichfield

"Alternative Cleansing provides an excellent, reliable and very thorough service. We are very happy to recommend this company."


Nichola B - Whittington

"We've used Alternative Cleansing regularly for several years now and I can't recommend them highly enough… Many other contractors, including the local authority, only empty a fixed amount out of the tank – Alternative Cleaning empty the tank fully every time – and it costs less!"


David - Staffordshire

"I have always been impressed with [Alternative Cleansing’s] punctuality, and their willingness to go a step further to achieve the best results."

Accredited Contractor

Registered Office
Fishers Farm, Upper Landywood Lane, Cheslyn Hay, Walsall WS6 7AX
Telephone: 01922 333 014     Email:


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